in the centre of it all
Clouds and Mist
As a child I used to climb the White Mountains of New Hampshire with my father and brothers. We always tried to choose a perfect day--what we called a "real mountain day". Nothing dampened my spirits more than finding ourselves, halfway up the trail, enclosed in clouds and mist. It seemed to ruin the day. But of course we kept climbing, and usually broke out into sunshine as we neared the summit.
It would be nice to think that the Christian's ascent to glory would always be on "real mountain days", and never require going through any clouds. But such is not the way appointed. Mists rise, clouds lower, and we can't see a thing. The trail is obscured, the summit is gone, the valley we've come from might as well not exist. Reality disappears. The only reality left is mere vapor.
But here's a wonderful fact to latch on to: "Clouds and mist enfold him!" (Ps 97:2). The Lord, the King of the mountains, is in the midst of us. Things invisible in the natural realm are visible to the eye of faith. Don't be misled or discouraged by mere vapor. Keep climbing. You'll see the Son when you reach the top.
Elisabeth Elliot
The Music of His Promises
my sister's tag about grey skies, clouds and rainbows reminded me of this devotion which i'd read just a few weeks back. it was one of those devotions that i didn't 'need' at the moment of reading, but which i knew i would need to go back to, time and time again, to remind myself of the assured Light ahead. truly, devotions never go to waste. am i glad for my store of His promises (:
the biggest assurance: He is in the midst of all that cloud and mist.
"The clouds and mist enfold him!" according to Elisabeth Elliot's version of the Bible.
how wonderful to find in the centre of it all -- storm, dark clouds, mist -- the Lord who, in the first place, created all that! He is in the centre of all our moments of darkness and trouble.
it is as you say, big sister, rainbows will appear.
light will appear.
i'm keeping on with keeping on.
Uncannily... I posted a msg on my blog today about mountains too. Hee. I said that God's love is like Mt Fuji, which is always there regardless of whether we can see it or not through the fog. Cheers dear. ;)
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