if God isn't good.
for most of the evening, i had the urge to get home to blog.
nothing spectacular happened...in fact, it was a pretty mundane kinda day. but i'll try to explain why it feels like it's such a bloggable day.
i was in another one of my go-home-or-stay-in-office? dilemmas as it was nearing knock-off time. don't be mistaken, its not that i luuurrvve staying late in the office. workaholic i'm not, i assure you. but when editorial monsoon arrives, deadlines need to be met, and work needs to get done. so, it's either i stay in late to finish what i need to finish (which means i leave 9-ish, 10-ish cos i can only claim cab fare after 9pm :p & it doesn't make sense to take the SBS bus out) or i pack it home to complete.
home might seem like a nice idea.
* my neighbour who lives just below my room plays loud depressing music that doesn't stop
nothing spectacular happened...in fact, it was a pretty mundane kinda day. but i'll try to explain why it feels like it's such a bloggable day.
i was in another one of my go-home-or-stay-in-office? dilemmas as it was nearing knock-off time. don't be mistaken, its not that i luuurrvve staying late in the office. workaholic i'm not, i assure you. but when editorial monsoon arrives, deadlines need to be met, and work needs to get done. so, it's either i stay in late to finish what i need to finish (which means i leave 9-ish, 10-ish cos i can only claim cab fare after 9pm :p & it doesn't make sense to take the SBS bus out) or i pack it home to complete.
home might seem like a nice idea.
* my neighbour who lives just below my room plays loud depressing music that doesn't stop
* my room desk is quite messy :p so no space for manuscripts and proofs
* my kitchen (where i usually work at) has poor fluorescent lighting making intensive reading very tiring
* there aren't other parts of my home that are conducive
so the office seems like the ideal solution (perfect lighting, huge workspace, fast computer, quietness), except, who likes staying late in the office?
therein explains the dilemma.
i did catch the 5.45pm company bus out though, still undecided about whether i should head home with my work. so, i made my way to science centre's macs, still trying to decide if i should buy food home or have dinner there. (i'm sorry if at this point, my indecisiveness just really gets to you. i understand...cos it gets to me too...)
but i found myself settling down with a filet-o-fish meal. and i am glad i did.
* i enjoyed my reading of the book of Ruth--there's so much to glean from there
* the air-con felt good
* i managed to finish editing 12 lesson plans with little distraction (no easy feat, for me)
* i could take time to be with myself (:
* mac's closed at 11pm rather than the usual 9pm, meaning i could stay longer to work
*i reached home later only to find that my veteran mahjong-playing parents had invited their kakis over for a game (as i write, they are talking about their wins & losses and just about to leave). if i'd come home earlier, i would have felt pretty pek-chek...
God knows. He just knows. He provided time (literally) and place. and He met me in the midst of much mundanity.
nothing spectacular. nothing loud. just plain and ordinary.
there is a lifting up of the spirit when you see God working in such sweet and practical ways, through such insignificant (and indecisive) moments.
i really enjoyed myself (: not to forget the companions that accompanied me through the evening.
shrek & friends (on big poster) running toward me!
hamburglar watching me from above
if God isn't good, i don't know what He is.
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