emily-ish exposure

Life moments...
from the unsuccessful blogger.

Tuesday, August 14


alas (:

i've been gone a rather long while. but...not without good reason. but i'm sure you already knew that (;

the past month had felt dreadfully normal and ordinary...up till the moment when i finally realised that the one thing i'd been waiting and hoping for (a rather long time *smiles*) had suddenly come true.

God has turned this dreadfully ordinary month into a very extraordinary one.

a hope fulfilled brings with it a very delightful kind of feeling. yet, at the same time, one can't help but wonder how surreal it actually feels. God has a very funny and yes, purposeful way, of working things out in our lives. (: looking back, i would not trade a single moment, not even the painful ones, for anything else.

all things fall into place, in His time, for His perfect purposes.

thank you, each one, for sharing in my joy and for your support, spiritually, emotionally and morally through this journey of waiting. i am grateful to quite a number of you who have listened, shared, advised, laughed, prayed, offered tissue, and held my hand when i needed it most. truly, God is simply good, for the way He works His purposes out in our lives and how He strains to hear every little and big cry within our hearts, even those cries that never quite get uttered.

the journey would not have been complete without each of you.


and so ends one leg of the journey and begins another.
yet i'm already full aware that this road is not without its obstacles and cloudy moments. (ahh..trust a melancholic to say this.) but, no storm too big that the wings of the Almighty cannot shelter.

may we be chiselled by the passing winds, persevere through the cloudiness and take delight in the sun-splashed days.


more to come, for sure. He's not done yet.
every season a new class for me. JM1101E.

i wonder what this sememster holds...