emily-ish exposure

Life moments...
from the unsuccessful blogger.

Thursday, October 28

a random rant.

there used to be a time when words did not fail me. when my thoughts and feelings would find fruitful expression in the right words. there was precision and clarity. there was meaningful rumination. there was also time. time to reflect. time to ponder. time to create. time to think.

time seems to be in such short supply. and so are my words.

how ironic, given my job. i work with words every day. i think them, write them, edit them, speak them. without words, my job would cease to exist. (okay, so we can publish picture books. but that's another thing).

i lament my lack of words. i lament that i can't find the right words to say what i want to say. i lament that i have become too dependent on [shift][f7]. i lament that i did not love reading when i was a child. i lament that my thoughts stop in mid-air, never finding their resting place in a form comprehensible to others.

my vocabulary fails me.

the impetus for expression impels
yet wordlessness stares defiantly
caging it in
suppressing fruitful expose

i shall wait.